ISO 9001: 2015 certified

About the Organisation

Some of us, the members of the Society (the members), have seen and felt the pain of Cancer very closely in their beloved’s case. The sufferers were very simple, nice and person of pure and religious heart and soul. Yet, they suffered a lot due to this cruel disease, which was detected only at the advanced stage. They struggled bravely but after sometime post detection, they lost the war against this Deadly disease especially in its metastatic form. Cancer not only took away them from their happiest days of life but also, left their close one especially their better half alone to fight against loneliness for rest of their life. Inspite of our best efforts, we can never fill the gap created by death of our beloved one. The abovementioned bitter experience, directly or otherwise, have been experienced by most of the members in their life till date.

The intensity of the pain and suffering of CANCER when it becomes untreatable could be best described by the painful relief on the face of the family members on patient’s demise…yes its bitter but it’s true that sometime we also pray to the almighty for death of the alike sufferers when he doesn’t hear their solo urge for death.

Wish to overcome the pain and suffering from Cancer, is the foundation stone of ‘Swasthya Jagriti Sansthan’ (SJS) formed and registered under West Bengal Societies Registration Act, 1961, as a Non-Profit Charitable Organization.

SJS has been formed for the sole purpose of spreading health awareness (as explicitly described under ‘Aims and Objectives’) amongst all the citizens.

To attain the above aims and objects, Honorary Medical Advisory Board consisting of prominent experts in the field of Oncology and other renowned medical practitioners, has been formed.

SJS is duly Registered U/S 12AA of Income Tax Act, 1961 and donations made to SJS qualify for deduction U/s 80G(vi) of Income Tax Act, 1961.

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